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About MPAS

Mission Padamo Aviation and Support was founded for the purpose of supporting and assisting missionaries and indigenous people of Amazonas, South America. Our goal is to have flight service stationed up in the jungle where it is most needed. There has been a missionary presence in Amazonas state since 1946, and aviation support since 1965. Since February 8, 2006, however, missionaries and all indigenous communities in Amazonas have been left with no air support.

MPAS is a registered 501(c)(3), non-profit, faith-based organization that believes the command Christ gave His disciples of “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature,” is as real for us today as it was for the disciples. We are attempting to live our lives to show by word and deed that we are His disciples. By His example, we endeavor to make disciples, translate the Scriptures, and train teachers and leaders, who in turn reach out to their own people and continue the discipleship process.

1 thought on “About MPAS”

  1. I talked to Michael Dawson on phone today. I am praying we can eventually get a meeting here at our church. Gospel Light Baptist Church. Talkahassee

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