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About Our Logo

Since 1953, the missionaries of Mission Padamo have served the Yanomamö Indians, an indigenous people group in Amazonas, South America. The colors: yellow for the plane, blue for the bow and arrow, and red for the native, represent the colors of the flag of the country where our mission is working.

The bow and arrow are an important part of Yanomamö culture and is used extensively in their everyday life, so a Yanomamö man shooting his bow and arrow, has been a symbol representing our mission for years.

Our focus has always been on the people and bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to them. We have faced many obstacles in that endeavor, one of the greatest being our recent lack of air support. As a result, we have developed Mission Padamo Aviation and Support to begin and sustain an air program that will allow us to better meet the physical and spiritual needs of the Yanomamö and the missionaries who serve them.

Our logo attempts to represent the people we serve and the addition of this vital tool to serve them.